What is a Mystery School?


Walk A Path of Progression

The Mystery School is a path of growth toward coming to know your divine self. Recognizing that humans are more than just physical beings – to come to know yourself beyond your personality, a Mystery School gives you tools to uncover the greatest mystery of all – your self!

An authentic Mystery School tradition is identified by an unbroken lineage tradition. This is like a thread of wisdom through generations. Handing down from teacher to student maintains the keys and preserves the integrity and power of the tools. 

The Modern Mystery School

The Modern Mystery School is the only true, full lineage mystery school on the planet today that is open to the public.  It holds the ancient lineage of King Salomon.  A little over 3,000 years ago, King Salomon succeeded in accomplishing many significant milestones for the advancement of all of humanity, in addition to maintaining the purity of all the wisdom teachings that this ancient lineage holds for us.  All mystery schools on the planet have remained essentially closed to the public for millennia so as to maintain this purity.  And every true, ancient lineage has a key holder, a person responsible for maintaining this pure wisdom.

Modern Mystery School Lineage Holder, Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon

Lineage Holders

The keys for this sacred lineage were handed over to a man by the name of Gudni Gudnason, a man who achieved the self-mastery required to hold the initiatory level of Ipsissimus.  At that time, the message was clear: “No more secrets.”  Energies on the planet are shifting and humans are now ready to take our next evolutionary step, and to do this we need access to ancient wisdom.  So, in 1997, Founder Gudni opened the doors of the Modern Mystery School and continues to work tirelessly for humanity and the mission of world peace.

In 2017, 20 years after Founder Gudni Gudnason opened the doors of the Modern Mystery School to the public, and with the growth of the school into 55 countries, the keys for the lineage were shared with Ipsissimus Dave Thor Lanyon and Ipsissimus Hideto Rei Nakagome creating the Third Order of lineage holders, moving into the new paradigm for world peace.

Council of 12

In 2017, when the Third Order was initiated, the Council of 12 was also activated. The Council of 12 is a group of 12 women, high-level initiates from all over the world who serve as leadership for the Modern Mystery School.

The Council of 12 work directly with the Third Order to execute the directives of the Hierarchy of Light for service to humanity on this earth. The 12 women provide council, confirmation and conference to the members of the Third Order about the various projects and missions of the MMS.

Governing Ipsissimas

These individuals have reached the pinnacle initiation of Ipsissimus, for their years of dedication, service, and mastery, are the leaders of their respective area expertise. 

As pillars of the lineage, who have served in unmatched capacity, these specific keys of knowledge and power are held by the following women who are initiated into the lineage of King Salomon as Ipsissimus (from left to right):

Ipsissima Divina Tsukiko Kimura – Ipsissimus of the Ensofic Ray
Ipsissima Divina Luisa Nakagome – Ipsissimus of Shamanism
Ipsissima Divina Eiko Gudnason – Ipsissimus of the Royal Way
Ipsissima Divina Theresa Bullard-Whyke – Ipsissimus of Kabbalah
Ipsissima Azusa Yoda – Grand Oracle
Honorary Ipsissima Sandra Reed
Ipsissima Divina Franca Lanyon – Ipsissimus of Alchemy


For all those who seek....... to KNOW THYSELF!

This is a time on the planet for the Light of self-knowledge and self-empowerment to shine! – for us to be all that we have the potential to be!  With the power that comes with this knowledge, we can connect fully with the divinity within us and shine Light on whatever darkness exists.  And that’s what this lineage can do for you.  It offers you ancient knowledge and teachings about the universe and about your potential as a human – highly coveted knowledge that was secret until 1997 – as well as passing on to you the energy, tools and power that the King Salomon lineage carries within it through a process of initiation.

If any of this resonates with you, I encourage you to explore the Life Activation and the Empower Thyself class and initiation.  It is here for all those who truly seek….

Step 1: Life Activation session

Receive a DNA Activation to turn on your spiritual blueprint and access more of your potential. The Life Activation session creates fertile ground for the Light to anchor in your life. With more light comes greater awareness, clarity, and accelerated growth toward your greatest potential.


Step 2: Empower Thyself Initiation

Dive into the tools and teachings of an authentic Mystery School tradition! This 2-day class and initiation brings you through an alchemical process to anchor more light in your life, while providing tools and awareness for you to get out of your own way to access more joy, potential and purpose in your life.

Step 3: Foundational Training

For those who want to go on to become certified Healers within the Modern Mystery School, this series of 4 classes give you tools for setting energy in your space, exploring your multidimensional nature, and insight into the magickal world of humans. Each class offers a key to the puzzle of the Spiritual reality we live in.

Step 4: Healers Academy Program

Experience deep healing as you step onto a new foundation as a professional healer. The Light of Healers Academy initiation supports you in expanding your intuition, opening your spiritual senses, and moving into greater purpose and service in your life. Receive the handing down to be able to offer the Life Activation, Aura healing and become a MAX Meditation System facilitator in this 5-day program.

Step 5: Ritual Master Initiation

The path to Know Thyself must have a way of dealing with the negative ego. The Ritual Master path provides such a structure for self-mastery – to face your negative ego and bring light to the subconscious! If you want to be the best version of yourself, cultivate the warrior spirit, overcome your stuck points, and amplify your ability to work with the Light for the good of humanity, consider the path of the Ritual Master.

Watch the Modern Mystery School Documentary

Sacred Vibrations

At Sacred Vibrations, we represent The Modern Mystery School and we believe that life is meant to be lived, and that realizing your own true potential is part of thriving as a spiritual and physical being.

Sacred Vibrations provides the activations, teachings, healings, services, classes and programs of The Modern Mystery School (ancient lineage of King Salomon) that enable transformation and coming into a state of truly knowing one’s self. Dr. Carla facilitates this process by creating a sacred and safe space for you.

“We change the world one person at a time, and we start with ourselves.”  

– Carla Weis, MD

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