Healing Sessions

Life Activation

This is the recommended place to start. The Life Activation session puts energies in motion to strengthen your connection to your Spirit and your inner knowing. Experience a full energy balancing and 22-strand DNA Activation to hold more Light (positive energy) in your physical body, brings forth unrealized talents and abilities, and gives you more energy and clarity.

Receiving the Life Activation is your first step in spiritual self-empowerment and personal progression along the initiatory path.

Includes: a Reading and Alchemical Spagyrics to support your activation.

Full Spirit Activation

While a Life Activation magnifies your personal connection to your higher self, the FULL SPIRIT ACTIVATION goes one step further to increase your connection to your Soul. By activating these higher aspects of our energy bodies, we switch on a system that exists within everyone–the potential to perform miracles and the opportunity to optimize our own divinity.

This session involves awakening the Thalamus region, or “the old brain,” the Pituitary and Pineal glands, increasing the Soul’s awareness of the physical experience and creating a richer life experience. The connection of your Soul to your Physical Body and physical life is literally activated! 

Aura Healing

Our auras can be damaged by many things as we go through our day to day life.  Just as our skin protects our body from infection, the aura is a membrane that protects our energy field from foreign debris that leads to feeling drained, emotional, and exhausted.

An Aura Healing allows us to regain and maintain energy flow and clarity.  Any physical diseases will first exist in our aura.  Healing the aura often can prevent or mitigate the manifestation of physical dis-ease.

Emotional Cord Cutting

This session cuts emotional cords from energetic links between you and other people/situations. Many times we have an unhealthy and unbalanced dependency or co-dependency with other people.

Negative cords form when we have traumatic experiences, or from a sense of betrayal, guilt, blame, anger, depression, or emotional attachment of any kind. When a cord has formed between two people, energy flows between them, and your energy can become drained and depleted keeping you stuck in patterns of the past. This session cuts those cords allowing you to feel lighter and better able to hold onto your vitality.

King Salomon Healing Series

These healing modalities date back 3,500 years to King Salomon. From around the world, King Salomon gathered all the head shamans, prophets, oracles, healers, medicine people, and alchemists, to study with him. This resulted in Universal healing techniques to support the evolution of all humans. 

We hold traumas in our body, physically and energetically. This healing series can release and transmute those energies, allowing us to heal and be balanced on many levels, including all the physical energy bodies, from the aura to the chakras, to the etheric body and more. 

All healing is self healing

Not Sure Where to Start?

Schedule a free consultation + tarot reading to get started.


  • Identify where you’re at and where you’d like to go
  • Receive nurturing support and spiritual wisdom to empower you to be your own greatest Healer
  • Learn effective tools YOU can work with to accelerate your own healing journey

Work with a Professional Healer

Integrity and Commitment to Excellence

When choosing a professional healer, it is important to work with someone who lives in alignment with the practices they recommend. Dr. Carla is committed to providing the highest caliber services, and is continually learning and growing in her capacity as a Guide, Healer, and Teacher with ongoing training and annual recertifications. 

Exceptional Tools and Structure for Dealing with the Complexity of the Human Experience

The Lineage of King Salomon maintained through the Modern Mystery School provides the most comprehensive structure for dealing with the negative ego to support spiritual growth and enlightenment. The tools passed down through this lineage, when applied consistently in your life, will provide a path to unmeasurable joy and freedom in your life.

A Time-tested Lineage Tradition

The power of the lineage comes through an unbroken tradition, where keys have been passed down from teacher to student for thousands of years. This has maintained the integrity of the tools, their power and effectiveness.

Sacred Vibrations

At Sacred Vibrations, we represent The Modern Mystery School and we believe that life is meant to be lived, and that realizing your own true potential is part of thriving as a spiritual and physical being.

Sacred Vibrations provides the activations, teachings, healings, services, classes and programs of The Modern Mystery School (ancient lineage of King Salomon) that enable transformation and coming into a state of truly knowing one’s self. Dr. Carla facilitates this process by creating a sacred and safe space for you.

“We change the world one person at a time, and we start with ourselves.”  

– Carla Weis, MD

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21441 Dockside Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92646

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