How’s Your Energy?

by | Nov 10, 2024 | Featured, Health

Exploring Energy: Fatigue and Beyond

Energy is a hot topic these days. Not like it was in the 70’s when we had to line up for gasoline, but much closer to home so to speak.

Today, we are more focused on our own internal energy, the subtle energies around us and also how much physical energy we have to get us through our day! Unfortunately, western medicine is ill-equipped to help us with any of these. And yet, our energy matters. It is of vital importance in our lives.

I am somewhat of an expert on all forms of energy. I am a medical doctor and practiced for nearly 30 years, subspecializing in neonatology. In addition, I have spent nearly 15 years (and counting) receiving formal training in metaphysics with The Modern Mystery School. Now retired from medicine, I continue to help people progress in their spiritual training along the path to Know Thyself. And finally, after living a very active life full of physical health and fitness, I have spent the last 10 years confronting the insidious hijack of my physical body from mold exposure, chronic Lyme disease and chronic fatigue syndrome. (Read my autobiographical book, The Power of Moving Forward: Seeing Alchemy In Life.)

So what steps can we take to properly assess and then enhance our energy?

Physical Body Energy

First, let’s address our physical energy – the energy we need to function every day. The buck stops here. If our physical body cannot generate or maintain sufficient energy, then are we really living? And how can we even begin to deal with these other subtle energies? We really can’t.

There are millions of people suffering from fatigue, which goes way beyond being tired and needing sleep. And since the introduction of Covid, the number of people suffering from chronic fatigue has increased dramatically. Fortunately, this has placed much more attention on the study of how we can better understand and alleviate these illnesses. Unfortunately, it’s not yet enough. So what can we do? First, let’s look at where it comes from.

 Chronic Fatigue Illness, as we understand it today, is generally the result of one, or a combination of, the following:

  • Post-infection, including
    • Epstein-Barr
    • Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella (tick-borne infections)
    • Covid
    • Others
  • Environmental toxins from certain
    • Molds
    • Bacteria
    • Chemicals
  • Genetic predispositions
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Autoimmune conditions

Just as energy is generally invisible, so are the chronic fatigue illnesses. They fall into the category often referred to as “hidden conditions”. This means that you may look quite normal on the outside, that is to someone else looking at you, but inside you are suffering. One of the things I had to get used to was hearing, “Well you look good!”.

If you are someone who has been dealing with issues related to your physical energy, it’s important to receive a general medical evaluation including a physical exam, laboratory tests and other diagnostic testing that may be indicated. These evaluations are necessary to begin your journey to understanding what is at the root of your fatigue. You may discover a silent condition you didn’t know you had, or at the very least, you’ll be able to get confirmation that your basic body functions are in order.

The challenge here is that, just as your outer appearance may look good, so too your medical evaluation may often look like everything is ok. You may be told that you are healthy, normal, and nothing is wrong. You may begin to think that you’re crazy or that it’s all in your head. Sometimes, and quite disturbingly, a medical professional may actually tell you that, suggesting meditation, relaxation and even psychological therapy. But don’t give up. You’ve only just completed the first step in uncovering the underlying process that’s going on inside your body.

 Your next step is to find a medical professional who specializes in fatigue illnesses. The challenge here is that these services are often not covered by insurance. But usually they are very helpful in guiding your next diagnostic – and maybe even therapeutic – steps. Navigating from here becomes more artful. Depending on to whom and to where you choose to go, it can get tricky – and expensive.

 Until the healthcare field at large catches up with the current state of affairs with regard to fatigue illnesses, we are left to our own collective guidance. Find what you can online. Speak with people who understand or have experience. Ask for help. Sadly, in these cases, those who are the most unable to navigate for themselves are left to do just that. However, we don’t need to be alone. We cannot be alone. We must look for and ask for help wherever we can find it. Because of my own experience with this, I am happy to speak with anyone who is in need of guidance and support, free of charge.

Book Your Consultation Here

Energy Body

Next, let’s take a look at what’s called our “energy body”. Just like our physical body, our energy body has many components and is operating very intricately. While many of us are knowledgeable about how to assess and care for our physical body, far fewer of us are as aware of our energy body. We not only have chakras, but we also have magnetic energy, elemental energy, etheric energy and more!

There are many ways to explore and learn about our energy body if you’d like to play with that. I do encourage that exploration to your own comfort level. I have my own experience in doing that, subsequently followed by my experience receiving formal training in an authentic mystery school whose focus is advanced spiritual training. So if your intention is to learn about your energy body at a level that goes beyond just playing around, I highly recommend any of the training offered worldwide by a Teacher or a Guide in the Modern Mystery School.

Since I am a Teacher and a Guide within the Modern Mystery School, there are a few things I can recommend for your own personal practice in working with your energy body. The first thing is sitting meditation. Not only can we completely relax our body during sitting meditation, but meditation does many other things that are beneficial for us. Here are a few:

    • Allows us to go inward and to focus on our inner world instead of our outer world. We could say that we’re focusing on our true self.
    • Slows down our mind – either to quietness and stillness, or to a singular focus.
    • Settles our emotions.

 The more focused we can be on our inner world, and the more our mind is trained to slow down – or is in the habit of slowing down, and the more our emotions can settle down, the easier it becomes for us to discern the shifting flows within our own energy systems from day to day.

 Next, I recommend any kind of moving meditation, like Tai Chi or Qigong. Unlike sitting meditation, a moving meditation allows us to actually move our body and our extremities through our aura and our energy bodies. Even a yoga practice or a mindful stretching routine allows us to be more in tune with our body and therefore our energy body. It follows then that any physical body training will support more of a conscious connection with our energy body. From my own experience, this is very much true.

 Finally, I recommend receiving a private session known as the Life Activation. In this session, your energy body is fully balanced, and then a tremendous amount of light is brought into your DNA leading to a greater integration between your spirit body and your conscious mind. After receiving this session, you will not only feel more balanced as a result of your energy field being balanced, but you will also have more clarity to move yourself toward your desires and what serves you best in life, including healing.

Energy Around Us

Finally, there is all the energy around us – other people’s energy and so much more. Many of us have a certain awareness of these energies without being conscious of them, and some of us are very conscious of them. But either way, we are all affected by them.

In terms of assessing them and discerning them, it is important for us to first work with our own energies, as above. The more we are in tune with our own physical body and our own energy body, the easier it becomes to navigate the energy around us. That is, to know which energies belong to us and which don’t, and to have more clarity about the different kinds of energies in our environment, so that we can make more conscious choices. For example, to know when we are not safe and to not stick around.

When it comes to the countless energies around us, our connection to our own energies fuels our intuition so that we can discern and respond to them with more clarity.


If you have any interest in delving deeper into your different energies or in exploring advanced spiritual training, please come see me for a Free Consultation.

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Author Bio

Dr. Weis received her Life Activation certification and energy healing training at The Modern Mystery School, International (initiated as an Adept in 2011) and is now a certified Guide, Healer and third step Ritual Master in the lineage of King Salomon. She received her M.D. from Temple University Medical School in Philadelphia, PA, completing a residency in Pediatrics. and a fellowship in Neonatology-Perinatology. As a neonatologist, Dr. Weis practiced in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Hawaii and California. She now focuses her time on assisting and guiding others in their own spiritual progression. 

For more information about the Mystery School, Life Activation or how to start this initiatory path, click here to schedule a consultation.

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At Sacred Vibrations, we represent The Modern Mystery School and we believe that life is meant to be lived, and that realizing your own true potential is part of thriving as a spiritual and physical being.

Sacred Vibrations provides the activations, teachings, healings, services, classes and programs of The Modern Mystery School (ancient lineage of King Salomon) that enable transformation and coming into a state of truly knowing one’s self. Dr. Carla facilitates this process by creating a sacred and safe space for you.

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