by Carla Weis | May 1, 2018 | Empowerment
The Children Are Our Future As Parents, How Can We Help? Today we struggle so much with our own healing. And we work almost desperately to not create the same traumas for our own children that were created for us. We want so much for our children to live in and...
by Carla Weis | Apr 2, 2018 | Empowerment
What Does It Really Mean to be Human? Finding the Diamond What’s so great about being human? Many times I have found myself saying… “There must be a better way!” “There must be more than this.” “Why is everything so hard?” “There has to be something missing.” The...
by Carla Weis | Feb 22, 2017 | Empowerment
What You Don’t Know About ‘Empower Thyself’ Becoming an initiate of the Lineage of King Salomon through The Modern Mystery School. Initiation is one of the essential keys to fulfilling life purpose, manifesting your greater potential, and harnessing...
by Carla Weis | Jan 23, 2017 | Empowerment
Congratulations to Our New Initiates! We are so excited to express WELCOME these 5 beautiful new Adept initiates into the lineage of King Solomon!! Thank you to the initiates who came out to support!! And a very special THANK YOU to Theresa Ibis Bullard for mentoring,...